The Slave Dwelling Project’s Joe McGill returns to the Wallace House on May 4-5, 2024.

The afternoon begins with a panel “The Power of Truthful Narratives”. A dinner, fireside chat and house overnight follows.

“The Power of Truthful Narratives”, a panel from 3:30 -5:00 features Elijah Gaddis, Hollifield Associate Professor of Southern History at Auburn University, Albert “Peter” Datcher, local genealogist and community historian and Kathryn R. King, Co-Founder of The Montevallo Legacy Project, with Joe McGill of the Slave Dwelling Project following with a response.

A Southern dinner, including lots of vegetables (no meat) and chicken, begins at 5:30. It is followed by a conversation around our fire pit at 7:00 pm led by McGill.This offers an opportunity for deep conversation around issues of reckoning and change.

Those who wish to spend the night will then adjourn to the house. If you stay, bring what you need for comfort to sleep on the wooden floor. The overnight stay is taxing, with toilet facilities in the Visitor Center about 500 feet from the house over rough ground. The overnight ends with breakfast from 7-8 am.

For more information contact Jennifer McCohnell:


 REGISTER BELOW for any or all of the activities:

EverythingRegister here.  I plan to attend the panel, the dinner, the fireside chat and overnight stay with breakfast.

Just the panel.  Register here.  I will only come for the panel from 3:30 to 5:00.

Panel + dinnerRegister here.  I plan to attend the panel and dinner. Fireside chat, optional.

Dinner + fireside chatRegister here.  I plan to come at 5:30 for dinner and stay for the fireside chat.

­Dinner + fireside chat + overnightRegister here.  I plan to come at 5:30 for dinner and stay overnight until breakfast on Sunday.

Fireside chat + overnightRegister here.  I plan to come for the fireside chat at 7 pm and stay overnight, with breakfast.


You can participate in any or all of these activities. While the events are free, we invite you to help recover the costs of food, house and ground preparation, and speaker fees by making a donation: $20 for dinner and $20 for overnight will help cover these expenses. Or donate to enable others to come!

DONATE HERE to support this and other reparative programming.

Nell Gottlieb